Partly Facetious: Holbrooke visits India after every trip to Af-Pak
"So now what?"
"Well, the Americans were in town again and have left."
"For home?"
"No, India."
"I thought India didnt like to be put on the same plate as Pakistan and Afghanistan."
"Yes, but they are content with Holbrookes designation not including India, they dont seem to mind that he does visit India after every trip to Af-Pak."
"Thats a bit weird."
"Or maybe this is the Indians way of saving face, though I always thought this obsession with face saving is not part of the sub-continent psyche - more South Asian psyche."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because, see what Taseer and Malik did to this country and to the man they both claim to serve and do they feel embarrassed about what they did? Hell, no! All they appear to be focused on is how to keep their jobs at whatever cost."
"That approach maybe unique to Pakistani politicians."
"I wouldnt regard the two as politicians if you know what I mean."
"One is a Governor and another a senator for Petes sake - both are political posts."
"You know precisely what I mean."
"Spell it out for me."
"The two were chosen and not elected."
"Ah yes, even Musharraf doesnt come into the chosen category."
"Correct, because Musharraf was elected even if the electorate was severely limited and need I add severely manipulated."
"But Indian politicians may not be quite without this level of lack of integrity. I mean werent there resignations after the Mumbai blast?"
"That is true, an unheard of concept in this country."
"Indeed so the Americans are gone."
"Well not really - their drone attacks will continue and I am sure talks are ongoing and..."
"More of the same in effect"
"For us, the people, I would say yes."
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